Secrets of Herpes on Finger No One
Has Ever Told You

john smith
3 min readMar 9, 2018

Herpes on finger otherwise known as a whitlow finger or herpetic whitlow is a dangerous infection that affects the meaty part of the fingertips.

herpes on finger

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According to studies, the infection is mainly caused by ‘cold sore virus’ technically known as herpes simplex virus (HSV). Of course, herpes is regarded as one of the most commonly transmittable infections. This shows that nobody is excluded from being affected. So, relax and learn more about herpes on finger.

What the symptoms of herpes on finger?

Before the formation of blisters on your fingers, they will become swollen and
reddish. After this, you will begin to feel severe pain on the skin of your fingers.

Symptoms of herpes on finger may begin to show up a fortnight after being exposed to HSV and the cluster of blisters may stay for as long as 21 days.

It has also been discovered recently that herpes on finger may lead to fever and swollen lymph nodes.

Herpes on finger’s recurrence is usually rare but if it does, the already built antibodies will quickly repress it.

The causes of herpes on finger

Now that you’ve known the symptoms of herpetic whitlow, you need to be kept abreast of the causes.

Anybody whose finger comes in contact with a carrier of the infection can easily be infected.

Some of the usual affected areas are lips, sex organs and some other delicate parts of the body.

It could also be formed as a secondary virus for those who have been affected in the mouth or genital organs — it can easily move to the finger when there is a contact.

In the same vein, those with very weak immune system can easily be infected by herpes on finger.

How do you treat this infection?

While some posit that herpes on finger does not need medication to be healed (it heals naturally within three weeks), if you cannot endure the pain that comes with it, you should take medication such as acyclovir.

Depending on the prescription by your doctor, it should be taken three times in a day (400 mg per dose) for a week.

However, if you fail to commence treatment 2 days after noticing the symptoms, the antiviral medication may appear futile as it doesn’t work well after the first two days.

In conclusion, it is worth stressing that the HSV cannot be healed after the
herpes on finger has been healed, the virus still remains in your body and may
not reoccur for years.

Also read — Alternative steps to cure herpes



john smith

Active trader, investor and an equestrian